MEETING REMINDER   -   Our July  2024 meeting will be at the IBEW hall (2901 Farabaugh Lane) on July the 10th, at 6:30 pm.

I want to thank Russ for his excellent “Stave Construction” demo in June.  We learned a lot about doing stave construction projects. Now we will see who all is able to finish a stave construction project for our July challenge.


July Demonstration: …Van Frazier- Will be demonstrating “Half Turned Wood Art”. This will be very interesting, you won’t want to miss it.

Applebee’s: As usual we will meet at Applebee’s (Northern and Pueblo Blvd.) at 4:30 for dinner and social, prior to our monthly meeting.  Everyone is welcome. Please join us if you can.

Refreshments: Lois, You have refreshments this month.

Challenge: Our challenge for July is “Stave Construction”.  This was a good challenge.  It will be interesting to see what everyone comes up with for a stave project.

18 Volt Battery Power Drill:  Our “Silent Auction” item for this month is an 18 Volt Battery powered drill with two batteries  donated by Jim Weiler.

Raffle Table and Show & Tell items:  Bring something for our raffle table if you can.  And bring something for “show n tell” to let everyone see what you have been creating.  It’s for fun, not a contest.

         I hope to see everyone at our June meeting. 

